Hubris Smiles Back Dry Steppes Side Quest
Speak with Ogai near The Grinning One.
Retrieve Baneful Oblations from fallen within the
Grinning Labyrinth (0/5).
Return to Ogai.
Place the offerings on the Ritual Stones (0/5).
Speak with Ogai.
+20 Dry Steppes Renown
Detailed Location
You must first complete the Augury of Bones Side Quest picked up in the same location in the Untamed Scarps of the Dry Steppes. Once you’ve finished that, the quest will automatically start, and you’ll need to head to the Shrine in the north. This is right next to the
Grinning Labyrinth dungeon.
Once you’ve spoken to him, you’ll need to enter said dungeon to obtain five Baneful Oblations. These only drop from the Fallen enemies inside, but once you have them, you can leave the dungeon, it doesn’t need to be completed.
When you’re back to the surface, place the five offerings on the five Ritual Stones around Ogai, and speak to him. After a short conversation, Ogai gets his audience with the Grinning One who leaves him as a corpse with his jaw ripped open revealing a horrid smile. This will complete the quest, and give you your rewards.
In-Game Description
Ogai now believes he knows what must be done to earn the Grinning One’s attention and its “Eternal Gift.” He has asked me to meet him at its northern shrine to proceed with his plans.
Ogai says the bone dust showed him a labyrinth of demons and darkness beneath the Grinning One’s shrine, claiming the Grinning One requests he retrieve ancient offerings from within. Desperate to prove himself, he has asked me to retrieve them.
Ogai has requested I set up the Grinning One’s offerings around him so that he may earn the ancient entity’s attention.
It’s time to see if Ogai will finally receive his audience with the Grinning One.
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