Treasure or Trash Dry Steppes Side Quest
Retrieve Deactivated Ring
Harvest Demon Essences in Chambatar Ridge
Return to Rakhaan
Rewarded on first completion: +30 Dry Steppes Renown.
Detailed Location
- Speak to Rakhaan at
Fate’s Retreat Waypoint in the Chambatar Ridge region of the Dry Steppes once you’ve completed the
More Than Meets the Eye Quest.
In-Game Description
Rakhaan has found an old ring with a broken enchantment. The use of this ring is unknown, only that it was discarded by the Triune. Rakhaan wants me to collect the ring from a chest in Fate’s Retreat.
I have collected Rakhaan’s broken ring. To power it, I must slay demons in Chambatar Ridge and collect their essences.
Rakhaan’s ring feels different. I can feel power emanating from it. I should return it to Rakhaan and see what he knows about it.
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