A Voice from the Past Kehjistan Side Quest
Retrieve the Vizjerei Vessel in the
Return to Izel
Place the Vessel before Izel
Speak with Izel
+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.
Detailed Location
- Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul and pick up and complete
The Speaking Stone, this leads you to the location of a shrine that begins this Quest.
In-Game Description
The fisherman in Gea Kul was correct - there is a talking shrine. The womanly voice claims to be an ancient mage trapped in the rock.
Freedom for her may lie in the Conclave. I am to seek out a magical vessel hidden somewhere in the caves.
Despite Izel’s condescension, I have found her host phylactery. She has asked me to place in front of the shrine she inhabits.
I’ve done all Izel has asked of me. I should speak to her and inquire what else is needed for her freedom.
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