Sacrificial Twig Talisman
Will be lost on death in place of runes
A talisman fashioned from a dried twig, so slender that it might snap at the slightest touch.
Prevents rune loss upon death, but will be lost itself in exchange.
Believed to be a twig pruned from the Erdtree long, long ago.
- Sold by
Patches at
Murkwater Cave after he sets up shop.
- Can be purchased from
Twin Maiden Husks at the
Roundtable Hold after giving them Patches Bell Bearing.
- 3 sold by the Isolated Merchant at the Weeping Peninsula for 3,000 runes.
- Rare drop from Lesser Wormface in
Altus Plateau / Crumbling Farum Azula
- Mistwood: Can be found on the ledge of the cemetery overlooking the Mistwood Ruins, northeast of Waypoint Ruins.
- Liurnia of the Lakes: Found on a corpse sitting by a stone platform jutting out of the cliffs in the southern landmass. This is accessible from the top of the long stretch of land where the Malefactor’s Evergaol is located.
- Given by Edgar when spoken to for the first time at Castle Morne.
- Altus Plateau: Can be found inside a chest at an enemy camp.
- One received from Fia after talking about Rogier while progressing his questline.
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