Konrad of Vechta Characters
Konrad of Vechta had a rather illustrious career: he started as a priest, but because he was skilled in handling finances, he entered the service of King Wenceslas IV and was a member of the royal council from 1398 to 1400. Later, he was appointed the royal mint master and also held the offices of the Bishop of Verden and Olomouc and even Archbishop of Prague.
As the highest-ranking Bohemian clergyman, he crowned Sigismund of Luxembourg as King of Bohemia after the death of Wenceslas IV, but he never became Sigismund’s ally. After the outbreak of the Hussite uprising, he supported its ideals and ordained Hussite priests. However, this had fatal consequences for him.
By joining the Hussites, the property of the Prague archbishopric was secularised; the bishops of Olomouc and Leitomischl and most of the Catholic priests renounced their allegiance to Konrad, and the Pope excommunicated him. He also lost the support of the Emperor. Konrad was deprived of his office in 1425 and died forgotten in obscurity.
At the time of our game, Konrad was a mere royal official, his dramatic career as a high-ranking clergyman had yet to come.
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