This page offers information on K.K. Slider’s Saturday night concerts. This page also includes a list of all K.K songs you can request, including secret ones and special event songs.
Saturday Night Concerts¶
After you’ve had K.K. Slider play a concert on your island for the first time, he will come to your island every Saturday to play some songs. He will be there all day, but you won’t be able to request a song until 6pm. When you request a song it will jump to a credit roll sequence and at the end of the song, you’ll have a copy that you can play in record players and radios.
K.K.’s Secret Songs¶
Below, you can find a series of secret songs that can only be obtained through having K.K. play them. You won’t be able to buy these at the Nookstop.
Animal City
K.K.’s Special Event Songs¶
These songs can only be obtained during special events.
Welcome Horizons - this song is only played during K.K.’s first visit to your island.
K.K. Birthday - this song is played when it is your character’s birthday!
When you request a song, you’ll always be directed to a credit sequence.
K.K. Songs¶
If you don’t fancy picking your own song, you can tell K.K. that you’re in a specific mood. The mood you pick will determine what kind of song K.K. plays.
“I feel good!”¶
- Bubblegum K.K.
- Mountain Song
- K.K. Groove
- K.K. Mambo
- Cafe K.K.
- K.K. Mariachi
- K.K. Parade
- K.K. Ska
- K.K. Ragtime
- K.K. Rockabilly
- K.K. Salsa
- K.K. Samba
- Neopolitan
- Spring Blossoms
- K.K. Calypso
- K.K. Country
- K.K. Disco
- K.K. Dixie
- K.K. March
“A little grumpy…”¶
- K.K. Metal
- K.K. Adventure
- DJ K.K.
- Go K.K. Rider!
- Imperial K.K.
- K.K. Crusin’
- K.K. Safari
- K.K. Flamenco
- K.K. Jongara
- Rockin’ K.K.
- Surfin’ K.K.
- K.K. Rock
- K.K. Steppe
- K.K. Tango
- Lucky K.K.
- K.K. Bazaar
- K.K. Casbah
Everyone loves K.K. Slider!
- I Love You
- Aloha K.K.
- K.K. Aria
- K.K. Island
- K.K. Jazz
- Mr. K.K.
- My Place
- Pondering
- Soulful K.K.
- Wandering
- K.K. Love Song
- K.K. Moody
- K.K. Reggae
- K.K. Stroll
- K.K. Swing
- Forest Life
- K.K. Synth
- Marine Song 2001
- K.K. Bossa
- K.K. Faire
- K.K. Fusion
“A little blue…”¶
- Steep Hill
- Two Days Ago
- K.K. Ballad
- K.K. Dirge
- K.K. Lullaby
- K.K. Milonga
- K.K. Sonata
- K.K. Etude
- K.K. Lament
- K.K. Waltz
- K.K. Western
- King K.K.
- Only Me
- K.K. Chorale
- K.K. Condor
- Stale Cupcakes
- Comrade K.K.
Throughout the day, your villagers will sit and have a listen to K.K.’s tunes.
“It’s hard to say.”¶
- Agent K.K.
- Hypno K.K.
- K.K. Marathon
- K.K. Oasis
- K.K. Blues
- K.K. D & B
- The K. Funk
- K.K. Gumbo
- K.K. Rally
- K.K. Song
- K.K. Sould
- Space K.K.
- To the Edge
- K.K. Technopop
- K.K. Folk
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