Pay attention on your train, as your answers will decide your future character and town.
Welcome to your town! Oh wait, we’re a bit early; we’re apparently still on the train. In which case, welcome aboard the train to your town!
Within seconds, you’ll meet Rover the cat who’ll ask you for the time. Be sure that you set the time accurately as the game is based heavily on the passing of time; different things happen at different times of the day, week and year.
Next, Rover will ask you for your name and then you will reply that your name is “cool” or “cute” (or plain wrong, allowing you to re-input it). Choosing cool will make your character a boy while saying cute will make your character a girl.
Now you have to name your town and pick a map for it. The map will determine the layout of your town and the buildings inside it. You can say ‘Nope!’ to change the map or ‘Here!’ when you’ve decided that you’re happy with that town layout.
Even though the map looks bare now, as time goes on more villagers will move in and you will be able to construct new buildings and up to three bridges in total.
Rover will finally ask you a few questions about you and your intentions. The choices you make will determine your character’s appearance. The possible combinations are as follows:
I’ve never been there -> I’m moving -> I’ll get a place there
I’ve never been there -> I’m moving -> I’m sure I’ll be fine
I’ve never been there -> I can’t say -> You guessed it
I’ve never been there -> I can’t say -> How’d you know
I don’t remember -> I’m moving -> Yes, probably
I don’t remember -> I’m moving -> No, that’s not it at all
I don’t remember -> I don’t know -> Yeah, I think I will
I don’t remember -> I don’t know -> I’ll let fate decide
It’s a secret -> Duh, it’s a SECRET -> You got it
It’s a secret -> Duh, it’s a SECRET -> Pretty sharp
It’s a secret -> I’m moving there -> Yup
It’s a secret -> I’m moving there -> No, I’m serious, yo
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