You can move Shay around the world using the right stick and whilst on foot, you can do so at two different settings. As default, Shay will walk around at low profile, however if you pull the right trigger and enter high profile a range of new moves and abilities become available.
Low Profile
- Slow walking speed, can move slightly faster by holding the ‘A’ or ‘X’ buttons.
- Low profile is less suspicious and as such will take guards longer to spot you.
- This allows you to blend into crowds and approach or follow targets undetected.
Low profile allows you to blend in with NPCs (left). High profile allows you to freerun (right).
High Profile
- Shay is able to run, jump and free run. It will also enable him to climb walls.
- Due to being more obvious, Shay will be detected much quicker by guards whilst in high profile.
- More assassination options become available such as running assassinations and air assassinations.
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