Abstergo will proceed with another sweep, so make your way to the portal and jump in to enter Paris in 1394.
Follow the path through the cemetery to enter the catacombs and turn left to slide down the ramp. Continue along the linear path through the metal grate and across the beams to a large cavern. Climb the column to your left and back eject to the stone platform and make your way around the area to a tomb, leaving the main chamber.
Run through the cemetery to enter the catacombs and follow the path to the main chamber.
When you reach the slopped area and the camera shakes quickly run off to the left and take cover to avoid a boulder that comes rolling down. Rush up during the gap between boulders, taking cover again if needed, and then jump to the stone platform to climb the wooden wall to your left.
At the top the simulation will begin to crumble, along with the stone walls. Despite the desire to proceed carefully you’ll find yourself needing to rush, so use the ledges for cover as you run up the slope and then right to exit.
Avoid the boulders in the tunnels (left) and when the simulation begins to collapse quickly rush to the exit while using the elevation as cover (right).
Leave the quarry and turn left to climb the bridge and cross it to reach the battlefield beyond.
As you approach the portal the Bastille will fling balls of fire your way. You’ll need to use the fences, blockades, and the natural elevation of the land to make your way to toward the Bastille and enter the portal.
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