Objective: Investigate the seismic activity on Miagani Island¶
To begin this next part of the main campaign, you’ll need to head on over to the objective marker that has been placed in the centre of Miagani Island on Grand Avenue. As soon as you touch this marker, your objectives will be updated and you’ve got a few seconds to prepare before a Batmobile battle will commence.
Objective: Defeat the militia forces attacking the Botanical Gardens¶
During this fight, you’ll be fighting a total of sixteen Drone Tanks, with eight of the standard Rattlers, three Diamondbacks, a Mamba and four of a new tank type – Twin Rattlers. The Twin Rattlers are almost identical to the standard Rattler however they are equipped with a pair of cannons on top so incoming attacks are more difficult to avoid and they boast double the armour of the basic units.
Staying within range of the Botanical Gardens will allow Ivy to help you by sending roots and other plant related objects to insta-kill the occasional Drone Tank/s.
As per the usual, you’ll want to avoid those holographic targeting lasers by using your dodge, or simply manoeuvring out of range. Remember that hitting the Drone Tanks directly on the turret area will cause the most damage and destroy the standard units instantly – so be sure to go for the easy kills! Keep hitting enemies without damage to charge up your Missile Barrage and let it go to cut down the enemy numbers and the duration of the fight significantly.
Unfortunately, as soon as you have wiped out the Drone Tank squadron attacking the Botanical gardens, you’ll receive the awesome news that five additional Cobra Tanks have now been deployed on Miagani Island. We’ll need to approach the situation in the same manner we did for the group of three Cobras we destroyed earlier. Wait for the Cobras to separate a little before using the mini-map/radar to sneak up behind them whilst avoiding detection, lock on and shoot their weak spots to destroy them.
After destroying all of the Cobras (left), approach the tree in the Botanical Gardens for a scene (right).
Of course, after destroying a Cobra, it’s a good idea to spend some time eluding the remaining alerted units before picking your next target and striking again. Once you have destroyed all five Cobras, we’ll get updated objectives once again.
Objective: Return Ivy to GCPD¶
Follow the objective marker back to the Botanical Gardens. Head to the top level of the gardens and interact with the indicated tree for a scene.
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