Make sure to grab the Crown of Illusions and light the lamp before you equip the crown and then head toward the throne in which Logarius was seated to gain access to the Vileblood Queen’s Chambers.
Vileblood Queen’s Chambers
Approach Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods and “Kneel” in the circle of candles to join the Cainhurst Vilebloods covenant and receive the Corruption Oath, Cainhurst Badge , and Respect gesture. You can now grab the Unopened Summons on the table to the right of her thrown and light the lamp to leave.
Equip the Crown of Illusion to each Annalise and then kneel before her.
Cathedral Ward
Speak to Vileblood Hunter Alfred above the entrance to the Forbidden Woods and select “Give Unopened Summons” to receive the Wheel Hunter Badge and Church Bow (Male) .
If return to the Vileblood Queen’s Chambers you’ll find Alfred praising the sun over Annalise’s bloody pulp and can speak with him to receive the Roar gesture. You can now examine the throne for the Queenly Flesh , which can be used later to revive Annalise, and then return to Cathedral Ward and find Alfred in the church above Old Yharnam for the Radiance Oath from the Executioners covenant.
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