(1 of 2) Have you been wondering about the mysterious crescent moon-shaped island? Well, the mystery is about to be solved!
Have you been wondering about the mysterious crescent moon-shaped island? Well, the mystery is about to be solved! (left), (right)
After completing the Pirate sub-scenario, if you have the Summoner asterisk, you may now seek the powerful non-elemental summon Susano-o. Poor Barbarossa had been sailing aimlessly in search for it, but all you need to do is travel to the crescent moon island in the far north-east corner of the world map, then stroll towards the top-left corner of the island.
Depending on how durable your party is, you may get totally obliterated by Susano-o, but no matter because you can accept the Anchorite’s trial at any time. When you are ready to face the ordeal, equip your characters with high Magic Defense equipment and abilities, plus Angelic Ward (White Mage) to stand your ground.
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