Earning a new job is a momentous occasion.
Jobs affect a character’s attributes and equipment proficiencies, as well as determine the abilities they have access to. In total, there are 30 different jobs. Everyone starts as a Freelancer and additional jobs are obtained by defeating asterisk holder bosses during the main quest or sidequests.
You can level up jobs by earning Job Points (JP) from battles–up to a maximum level of 10. Each time a job levels up, the character will acquire a new ability from that job. Only the character’s current job receives JP, encouraging you to frequently switch to different jobs to learn more abilities.
Abilities are divided into two types. Command Abilities can be used during combat via the Ability command, to trigger various effects, such as inflicting more damage, healing or supporting allies, etc. Depending on the ability, there may be a cost involved, whether it’s MP, BP or something else.
Characters can use Command Abilities from their current job , plus a secondary set of Command Abilities from one other job , which can be assigned under the “Job Command” in the Ability menu. For example, you could have a Wizard with the Bishop’s Command Abilities or vice versa.
Support Abilities passively help your characters, but must be equipped from the Ability menu before they do anything. You can equip Support Abilities from any job , but only as far as the support ability cost limit allows. Unlike Bravely Default, the limit starts at 5 and remains there.
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