This is a guide for obtaining 10,000 points in the Compass Roulette Mini-game.
Compass Roulette is a gambling mini-game that you can play at the casino on board the S.S. Zelbess.
How to Unlock the Compass Roulette Mini-game¶
(1 of 2) The S.S. Zelbess in Home World.
The S.S. Zelbess in Home World. (left), The casino aboard the S.S. Zelbess. (right)
You can play Compass Roulette after reaching the S.S. Zelbess in Home World. This will be shortly after the events of Fort Dragonia, where you get stranded in Home World as Lynx.
After boarding the S.S. Zelbess, climb up to the deck, then go down the stairs on the right. Make your way west along the corridor to reach the casino, below the captain’s quarters.
How the Compass Roulette Mini-game Works¶
(1 of 2) North doubles your points.
North doubles your points. (left), South loses the game. (right)
Compass Roulette is a very simplified version of roulette, where the needle can only land on four points: North, East, South and West.
- North: Doubles your points
- East: Gain 50 points
- South: Game Over
- West: Lose 50 points
Its costs 100G to play and you always start with 100 points.
Compass Roulette Rewards¶
Rank | Points Required | Reward |
1st | 10,000 | Rainbow Shell (1st time), Denadorite (afterwards) |
2nd | 5,000~9,999 | Mythril |
3rd | 1,000~4,999 | Iron |
4th | 500~999 | Bone |
The Rainbow Shell is the main attraction, as you can use it to craft rainbow equipment. However, it’s not necessary for anything.
Easy Way to Win Compass Roulette¶
(1 of 2) With a bit of practice, you can reliably earn over 10,000 points.
With a bit of practice, you can reliably earn over 10,000 points. (left), Do this to obtain a Rainbow Shell. (right)
In the original version, there was a way to pause and unpause the game to make the needle land exactly where you want. Sadly, this was removed in the Remastered version, although you can still do it on the PC (Steam) version by pressing the Esc key.
If playing on the console versions, there’s a different trick you can use. After pressing Confirm, keep holding the Confirm button. This will guarantee that the needle lands on the next clockwise position.
Do not do this if the needle begins on East though! Instead, if you’re on East (or South at the very beginning), press Confirm the moment the needle spins (do not delay). You can listen out for the click sound or watch the man punching the machine.
To get the 1st rank reward (the Rainbow Shell), you simply need to hit North 7 times. You don’t need to do this in a row, although hitting West too many times at the start will make things harder.
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