Objective: Rescue the Prime Minister
You start off by using the Fly Drone. After watching the scene you’ll have control. Swap weapons if you want to and start following Gideon until you get to climb a wall. Hold [] to do so and you’ll be told you can’t climb over windows. Once at the top you’ll have to plant a Mute Charge. Shoot the targets as you descend .
Once down here look towards the objective and stick to this left wall until you find the Enemy Intel #01 [07/45] on the desk at the end.
Now plant your harmonics on the wall and mark the targets with R1. Shoot them and go inside to secure the Prime Minister.
Objective: Stop the KVA Hostage Truck
Time to move guys. As you move outside and run through the rush hour traffic, some RPGs come flying at you. Dodge them and quickly dispose of the enemies on top of the trucks. Afterwards more RPG users come at you, as well as on foot soldiers and snipers. Hold your ground in this little plaza area and use the low walls for cover.
Proceed through the alleys and another ambush. Use the rooms for protection and as you move down the alley a truck runs towards you. Quickly move to the right and go up the stairs. Kill the couple enemies in this school looking area and drop down. Go up the stairs on the left side of the area and grab Enemy Intel #02 [08/45] from the ground.
Another really easy-to-miss Intel. One more intel to get.
Proceed to the objective and the truck will be here once again. Its time to kill the dude using the turret. Proceed around the area while killing the enemy soldiers, only be careful of not shooting any civilians. Once you kill him and take care of the rest of the enemy soldiers, look directly in front of the Climb Objective Target to find Enemy Intel #03 [09/45] .
This one is really easy, just sitting there next to your crew.
Now climb up the wall and you’ll be in front of the freeway. Kill the enemies that get off the truck in front of you, cross once using your dashes, kill some more enemies and cross once more. Now Gideon and yourself jump on a bus and start making your way towards the hostages. Make sure not to kill any civilians as you can get a trophy doing so.
Be careful and focus on which are enemies. Usually they are wearing black while the civilians are wearing lighter colors. You have to jump from bus to bus and when you’re hanging from the side of one, shoot both enemies and follow the sequence to destroy this humvee.
Shoot at the helicopter to destroy it once it appears and stay on your toes until you get to the hostage truck. Follow the sequence once more and you’ll be in the river.
Objective: Rescue the Technologist
Move forward and open up the hatch to rescue the technologist and end the mission.
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