Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: Reunion has plenty of missable Trophies/Achievements, especially throughout the main story. The Master Blender is one such Trophy/Achievement in Chapter 4.
You will need to blend the perfect perfume to increase Aerith’s affection in chapter 4.
How to Blend a Perfume with the Perfect Amount of Oil¶
This is technically the second missable Trophy/Achievement in Chapter 4 (although you’ll get it before the first) and it’s another easy one to miss as you can easily miss speaking to the person who triggers it.
To get the Trophy/Achievement, your goal is to play the perfume blending mini-game and blend the perfect perfume to give to Aerith. If you’re going for the Good Match for Aerith Trophy/Achievement too, then you’ll need to execute this process perfectly anyway, earning this in the process.
You’ll need to progress through Chapter 4 until you reach the Market and go through the events of obtaining your wallet back from Bruno. Following this, you’ll be with Aerith in the market and can take part in a number of mini-games. Head on over to the shop with the Shopping Paradise sign above it and you’ll be given the option to blend a perfume.
The process is simple, you’ll need to count the number of drips of oil and stop the process with the /
button once you’ve counted the correct number of drips. You should count them as follows:
Drip = One drop
DripDrip = Two drops
Splash = Ten drops
With this knowledge in mind, once the process begins, you’ll see the words appear on the screen and you’ll need to count them as they go along. Once you have counted the correct amount, hit the button to stop the process and blend the perfect perfume.
(1 of 2) You can pause the game to give yourself time to count the drips
You can pause the game to give yourself time to count the drips (left), the Attendant will respond like this if you get the perfect blend. (right)
If you’re struggling to keep up with the counting, you can always pause for each line. If you look carefully, you can still see the text and can count it without the worry of it disappearing to quickly. If you manage to stop it at the target number, the Attendant will respond with “Wow! You got it just right! Mmm, it smells divine!”.
Once Zack hands over the perfume to Aerith and you get her glowing response, you’ll obtain the Master Blender Trophy/Achievement. If you’re going for the Good Match For Aerith Trophy/Achievement then you’ll want to blend the perfect perfume three times in a row without failing for the max affection you can gain from this activity.
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