Gold Loot Chest #1
Location : Shattered Coast
On the path towards Ishtar Academy is a tunnel. As you navigate through you’ll find the Gold Loot Chest lying next to a pillar just before the bend.
Enter the tunnel here and look behind the pillar for the chest.
Gold Loot Chest #2
Location : Winter’s Lair
If you are doing the “Scourge of Winter” Mission this is the area where you are on the ground before the ketch ship. If you run around the right side and leap off the ledge you can reach the rock platform with the Gold Loot Chest.
Look for the chest on the ledge here. Go to higher ground to be able to jump over to it.
Gold Loot Chest #3
Location : The Cinders
When you reach the ketch ship, instead of turning left to complete the “Scourge of Winter” Mission, go right and you’ll find the Gold Loot Chest at the end of the ship.
Go all the way to the back of the ship to find the chest.
Gold Loot Chest #4
Location : Campus-9
Towards the end of the “Ishtar Collective” Mission you’ll enter Campus-9. When you enter just go all the way to the back past the last building and on the other side of it is the Gold Loot Chest.
Look for the building at the back of this area. Jump over it to find the chest.
Gold Loot Chest #5
Location : N/Gen Branch
Enter this zone from the Ishtar Commons and turn right into the building. You can find the Gold Loot Chest in one of the cubicles towards the back.
Head through into this section of the building and look for this cubicle.
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