Tucked away within the menus of Dragon’s Dogma 2, there is an option that allows you to combine items together to enhance them or create entirely new consumables, upgrade materials, and loot. However, which items and materials can you combine together?
After playing dozens of hours we have put together a list of all the Dragon’s Dogma 2 item combination recipes that we have found so far. In the table below, you can find a full breakdown of the items and the various materials you can combine together to craft them.
Item Combination Recipes¶
The full list of Dragon’s Dogma 2 item combination recipes is:
This list is a work-in-progress currently as we are in the midst of discovering even more item combination recipes as we find more items throughout the massive world of Dragon’s Dogma 2.
(1 of 2) Rotten items are better used to combine into new items rather than to simply sit in your inventory.
Rotten items are better used to combine into new items rather than to simply sit in your inventory. (left), Alongside trimming down your inventory, you can also craft new rarer items by combining resources. (right)
For a deep dive into the Dragon’s Dogma 2 world map and the items and locations on it, be sure to take a read through our Dragon’s Dogma 2 world map. And, if you are looking to equip the best class as you get further in your playthrough, check out our guide on the best vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
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