Grace Mimic Other
A fetish indicating the guidance of grace.
Craftable item.
Similar to grace, this fetish draws rays guiding the way, only without any sense of order.
Useful as a last resort for those who have lost their way, or for use by those who believe that unrefined guidance will lead to truer encounters.
Grace Mimic is a Multiplayer item and consumable. It creates a fake Site of Grace on the ground, the Grace also produces a guidance light that points in a random direction.
- Sold by
Patches at
Murkwater Cave after he sets up shop
- Can be purchased from
Twin Maiden Husks at the
Roundtable Hold after giving them patches Bell Bearing.
- Looted off a corpse at the northwest of the graveyard. The body is next to a gravestone, sitting by the ledge in Raya Lucaria Academy.
- x3 Found on a dead body on Leyndell Royal Capital.
- Stormveil Castle. Given to player by a Commoner sitting on a ledge in a tower between the
Liftside Chamber Site of Grace and the
Rampart Tower Site of Grace.
To craft Grace Mimic you need the
Missionary’s Cookbook [2] as well as the following Crafting Materials:
- Erdleaf Flower x1
- Human Bone Shard x1
Notable Info
- You can hold up to 99
Grace Mimic.
- You can store up to 600 Grace Mimic.
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