When you purchase the mansion it comes with a set of handy keys that will open this next area for us. Follow the gold dust to a previously locked gate and head on through the gate using the key and venture into the nearby cave. Welcome to Shelley Crypt.
The crypt’s layout is fairly straightforward so make your way through it until you find the treasure chest. Now it’s time to leave! Make your way back to the previous room, and you will notice that one of the sarcophagi up on the raised area has been moved, forming a ramp you can use to climb up. Destroy the cracked wall on the right for a silver key and the one on the left for the exit.
Grab the treasure (left) and then break the wall behind the coffins for a silver key (right).
Continue into the next room and fight off three waves of hollow men to open the locked door. There is a chest behind the cage near the exit. Continue until you reach a large pit. Here you need to locate the flit switch in front of you and shoot it. It will move down and hover above the next stone pillar which will also create an invisible bridge to cross over. Repeat the flit switch shooting shenanigans two more times until you reach the far side of the room.
Here you’ll find the switch back over the door we used to enter the room, so turn and shoot it to finish the final bridge. As you cross to the far side there is a gargoyle on the right hand wall of this room, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for it as you go!
Use the flit switches (left) to create a series of invisible bridges to cross the room (right).
Once you are across the gap, continue ito the hallway and climb up the stairs to initiate a scene with a hollow man. Here you can choose to hand over the stone (good) or to keep it and fight your way out (evil).
Hand the stone over or kill the hollow man, your choice!
Either way you choose to go about it, work your way out of the tomb to complete the quest.
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