Details about the Tenpines Bluff area in Fallout 4, including information about developing it as a settlement.
The Tenpines Bluff settlement, before development.
Tenpines Bluff is east and somewhat south from USAF Satellite Station Olivia, or northeast of the Bedford Station area.
Tenpines Bluff is a potential settlement, and unlike some other settlements, there’s not really anything else interesting about this area. Your mileage may vary a bit depending on the randomized quest system in Fallout 4 - Tenpines Bluff is often a component of the quests Ghoul Problem, Kidnapping, Raider Troubles or The First Step, which will task you with some busy-work (usually traveling to a random nearby location and clearing the hostiles there) before you can claim the Workshop.
(1 of 2) Unless you’ve explored extensively prior to completing “When Freedom Calls”, you’ll likely need to complete the quest “The First Step” to gain the loyalty of Tenpines Bluff.
Unless you’ve explored extensively prior to completing “When Freedom Calls”, you’ll likely need to complete the quest “The First Step” to gain the loyalty of Tenpines Bluff. (left), Once you’ve absorbed Tenpines Bluff into your alliance, you shouldn’t have any trouble building whatever you wish here. (right)
As a settlement, Tenpines Bluff is fairly generic - it’s got a fairly large, rectangular build area that is marred by uneven ground, fences and unalterable structures. There’s a shack along the southern edge of the area where the two initial Tenpines residents reside which you can’t do anything with, while to the north, northwest you’ll find a ruined house, which is also a permanent blemish. You’ll just have to build around these, and as for the uneven terrain you can sink some foundations to create a level surface on which to build a sizable structure.
Building a large all-in-one structure is possible, but you’ll have to build over the settlement’s garden to do it. If you can build Garden Plots, this isn’t really an impediment, and even if you can’t, aside from the aforementioned unalterable structures, there’s plenty of ground to plant crops in.
There’s no standing water in this settlement, so you can’t create Water Purifiers, but with the free space you have at your disposal, Powered Water Pumps should suffice.
Tenpines Bluff is a fair distance to the east of Sanctuary, around a third of the distance across the map overall. For your first phase of exploration, this makes Tenpines Bluff a fairly useful settlement to capture, as it can serve as a fine base for future eastward expansion. There are a few problems, however - having to clear the Corvega Assembly Plant constitutes a considerable delay in this settlement’s establishment, and, perhaps more damningly, there’s another settlement a short distance to the east (northeast, actually), Outpost Zimonja. While Tenpines Bluff is definitely worth developing, if you can conquer Outpost Zimonja, it’ll serve as a great foundation for eastward expansion, and it’ll be the furthest east we travel during this phase of exploration.
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