This is a walkthrough for the Treasure Hunt, Parting Gifts. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to putting out the oven fire and acquiring the MGL-6 Grenade Launcher.
Head to this location on the map to begin this treasure hunt.
The oven owner managed to hide supplies for La Moral before the regime discovered her. I should recover them.
Reach the stash in the Coco Oven¶
Put out the fire¶
Head southeast of the town Concepcion until you reach Coco’s Concuco Oven in the Conuco Region. Interact with the note on the coconut oil box to begin the treasure hunt, then go into the shed straight ahead and interact with the two machines to disconnect them from the generator.
(1 of 3) Unhook the generator from these machines
Exit the shed to find a blue truck with a trailer that you’ll want to interact with to detach it. Hop into the truck and reverse it into the generator to connect it, then drive along the right path to find a small hut. Reverse the generator into the hut and it’ll connect and power up the nearby water pump.
Acquire the MGL-6 Grenade Launcher¶
Go over to the water pump and interact with the valve to put out the fire, then go into the oven and look through the small fan at the back of the room to find a lock holding down the hatch to the roof. Shoot it and then go up the roof and drop down through the now open hatch to find some Medicine, Gasolina and the Coco Oven Storage Key.
(1 of 3) Park the generator in the hut
Climb out through the hatch, then unlock the nearby door with the recently acquired key to find the Chest containing the MGL-6 Grenade Launcher and the hunt will come to a close. However, make sure to collect the Parts, Durable Seals and Scouting Report: Anti-Aircraft Cannons Note from the shelf before leaving.
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