See the dark blue oval moving in the water? Once you’re in the lake, canoe towards it.
So, then, we’ve finally received all of the Elemental Fangs. We’ve received the light of all four Elemental Crystals by going to one early. We have (almost) all of the jobs in the game. We’re fit to fight the final boss…
Just kidding. We’re not! But we can become prepared…by doing some more sidequesting! The EXP will be well worth it, if the gear isn’t (but then your standards are exceedingly high). Let’s go! (note that this is optional so if you really just want to finish the game, skip this and the next few sections)
The first of these sidequests will pertain to obtaining the legendary Leviathan summon . You can opt to go for Bahamut first, but he’s stronger, so we’ll want to cram in as many levels as possible before we challenge Bahamut.
Return to the Floating Continent on the Invincible. It’s north of the Cave of Shadows. Go to the northwestern part of the area and head south of the Gulgan Gulch and you’ll find a shadow swimming in the water.
To get to the lake, fly your airship in from the south and go over the small mountains in your way. Land on the small grassy area and go into the lake. With the Folding Canoe , paddle around to the underwater cavern.
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