Chapter 2 starts off with you spending some time in a town called Kalm. This will give you an opportunity to purchase some new weapons, accessories and skills as well improve your relationship with some of your favorite party members. On this page, we’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to tracking down the stores and escaping Shinra!
Shinra try to cause more trouble.
Searching for Friends¶
You’ll wake up in the inn following the flashback and notice that all of your friends are nowhere to be seen and you need to track them down. Exit the Inn and you’ll be greeted by Red XIII at the entrance and then you’ll want to head on over to the Armed and Dangerous Store which is located up the stairs to the north of of the map. Here you want to take some time and purchase any weapons/accessories that are better for you.
(1 of 2) Follow Broden to the scaffolding
Follow Broden to the scaffolding (left), and then climb up and follow the path back to the inn. (right)
From here, you’ll want to make your way over to the Maghnata Books Store which is located in the southeast of town and purchase some folios with your hard earned SP. With your equipment up to scratch, head up the stairs to the northwest of the map to bring you up to the Clock Work Plaza and then Aerith will waiting for you at the end of the path.
A Date With Aerith¶
Head up the stairs to trigger a short scene at the balcony and then Shinra will turn up and you’ll need to quickly come up with an escape plan. To begin, head back down to the entrance of the tower and you’ll be greeted by Broden who has already come up with a solution. Follow him until you reach some scaffolding and then climb up and work your way across the narrow platform which will lead you safely back to the inn. Climb down into the underground passage and follow it along until you find yourself in the Grasslands Region, but be sure to grab the chest containing sprigs of laurel along the way.
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