This portion of the guide will feature many tutorials to get you used to the game, so bear with us. Fortunately most of the stuff remains the same as in FFXIII, so we won’t have a tough job.
NORA House¶
Enter Serah, one of the main protagonists and you’ll get to control her. Serah has even less monies than Light did in FFXIII. Zero gil to start the game with is not fun at all. At least she has 3x Potion.
The younger Farron sister, Serah has a much larger role in this game than the previous one (left). One of the many Live Triggers, these offer different dialogue scenes depending on your choices (right).
By advancing the storyline or meeting special requirements you will obtain entries into your DATALOG .
Check the door and answer the Live Trigger: (Dreams of strange worlds; clothes appearing from nowhere. What’s going on?). Jump over obstacles by pressing Circle and head outside for another Live Trigger: (Where’s the village? Everything out here is completely different. What is this place?), then slip into the event battle at the Town Square.
Both Serah’s and Noel’s starting roles are Commando, Ravager and Sentinel. Your prearranged paradigms are: COM/COM, RAV/COM, COM/SEN, SEN/SEN. The enemies you face are no threat so destroy them with extreme prejudice!
In the main menu new entries have been added: Equipment, Status and Bestiary.
There is a big commotion on the beach, so run into the few enemies roaming around to trigger the next lot of fights.
There are quite a few low level enemies to attack letting you get used to the battle system and hone your skills a bit before facing tougher opponents.
Once you clear the beach completely, there will be some scenes. Afterwards follow Noel to the north] and talk to him for a Live Trigger: (This strange young man says he met with Lightning in Valhalla. I need to find out more.).
Winding Way¶
Go up the wooden railing, jump up the stone and proceed north to Winding Way. Open the treasure sphere for 3x Potion , then talk to Noel for a Live Trigger: (Noel is staring at Cocoon like he’s seeing it for the first time. What to say?). Follow him further north, and at this time Mog’s bobble will light up and he’ll point to a certain treasure sphere. Open it for the Map of New Bodhum .
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