Where to find all of the Labyrinthos Sightseeing log lookout points in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (FF XIV).
Labyrinthos Sightseeing Log Locations¶
Number | Zone | Coordinates | Emote | Description |
15 | Labyrinthos | (x20.4,y7.5,z:3.9) | # Lookout | Near the overview just south of the entrance. |
16 | Labyrinthos | (x:15.0,y:25.3,z:0.0) | # Lookout | Along the top part of the ring inside Thaumazein |
17 | Labyrinthos | (x:30.8,y:18.7,z:3.0) | # Lookout | On top of the north-most building in Meryall Agronomics |
18 | Labyrinthos | (x38.4,y13.7,z:4.0) | # Lookout | Atop some rocks due east Troglophile’s Deep marker. |
19 | Labyrinthos | (x:22.4,y:17.5,z:2.7) | # Lookout | On top of the northwest water tower in the Sharlayan Hamlet (Flying Required) |
Sightseeing log entry “015” - Upper Acrinthos¶
Head to Upper Acrinthos and you’ll find the Sightseeing Log near the balcony overlooking Lower Acrinthos.
(1 of 2) Head to Upper Acrinthos
Head to Upper Acrinthos (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting near the balcony. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “016” - Thaumazein¶
Enter the Thaumazein and follow the path along to the left of the entrance to find the Sightseeing Log.
(1 of 2) Head into the Thaumazein
Head into the Thaumazein (left), then follow the path along to the left to find the Sightseeing Log. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “017” - Meryall Agronomics¶
Head to Meryall Agronomics and you’ll find the Sightseeing Log on top of building next to Rubh’a Epocan which is located to the northwest.
(1 of 2) Head to Meryall Agronomics
Head to Meryall Agronomics (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of the being to the northwest. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “018” - Troglophile’s Deep¶
Head into Troglophile’s Deep and you’ll find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of a rock to the east of the cave.
(1 of 2) Head to Troglophile’s Deep
Head to Troglophile’s Deep (left), to find the Sightseeing Log to the east of the cave. (right)
Sightseeing log entry “019” - Sharlayan Hamlet (Flying Required)¶
Head over to Sharlayan Hamlet and you’ll find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of a Water Tower. However, you’ll need to have collected all of the Aether Currants in this area first, so be sure to check out All Aether Currents in Labyrinthos.
(1 of 2) Head to Sharlayan Hamlet
Head to Sharlayan Hamlet (left), to find the Sightseeing Log sitting on top of the Water Tower. (right)
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