You will find Fernund, the person who gives you this errand, in Brightmarket, a town that is northwest of Meridian. He tells you he found an ancient relic that is cached at Dusk Mesa, but can’t reach it himself, offering to split the profits should you fetch it for him. From where you received the quest, look to your south and find the rappel point at the cliff’s edge. Take this down and climb your way across some ledges to reach another point where you can rappel down into the area below you saw from Brightmarket.
Upon landing at the bottom, head south until you find a path and look for the one that heads southeast. Follow this south, past two splits and a Stalker site, then head southwest at the fork that is past that. If you wish to avoid the Stalkers, who can be annoying due to their cloaking mechanism, stick close to the mountains as you continue south. When you reach the campfire to the southwest, go straight north to the cliff wall and use your Focus to spot an Oseram chest on a ledge.
The chest you need is up on a ledge (left), meaning you’ll have to climb to reach it (right).
To find a foothold you can use to climb to reach the chest, face it and look to your left. Get up there and examine the chest, only to find it empty and have Fernund turn up, setting off an ambush. You’re relatively trapped up on the ledge and although you are only fighting some human enemies, you will want to avoid exposing yourself. However, you do have the high ground, so it should be fairly easy pickings getting headshots. When they’re all dead (you had the option to escape if you wanted), go to Meridian Village to find Fernund, who goes off running. Track him down and speak to him, either punishing him or letting him go, with a little caveat, finishing the errand.
Objective | Reward |
For procuring the item for Fernund | 2,500 XP / Generous Reward Box |
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