This activity can be acquired from Alex, the leader of the Skalitz refugees who can now be found at the refugee camp in Rattay. He informs you that properly feeding the refugees is not always possible, and that they would greatly benefit from some extra hunted meat. The first task is to hunt hare meat.
Hares can be found in almost all of the wooded areas throughout the map. The nearest hare hunting spot to Rattay can be found directly west, south or south east. Make your way into the woods and keep your eyes peeled for any movement on the ground.
Shoot as many hare as you need to until you reach the required amount of meat (90).
When you have hunted a sufficient amount of hare meat, take it to Alex in Rattay. Keep in mind that he may be found begging anywhere in the town. When you hand over the meat, Alex will suggest that it will do for now. You can return to him every few days to acquire the next hunting task.
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