Regular equipment. This is the start of Chapter 2: The Phantom Hero.
Start by going east while looking north. When you can jump up on a ledge do so and you’ll see an item box to the north. Before going to it equip your NVG and look northeast and find a scout behind the lone tree. Mk22 his head and before even moving quietly approach the edge of the ledge you’re on to find another scout right next to the edge of the ledge, behind another tree. Take care of him as well and grab Anest x8 from the north.
Make sure to be extra careful around these areas as there are hiden enemies. Your NVG help out a bit locating them.
Now proceed north and when you see you can climb up a ledge on the eastern side of the map, do so quietly and look behind the tree to find another scout. Take him out and proceed all the way north to the next area, Selva de la Leche: Hillside .
Proceed forward and drop down as soon as you can. Follow this right wall and you’ll see a scout right in middle of the area lying down. Shoot him in the head and you’ll be able to see another scout directly west of this one, behind a tree and in middle of some bushes. Take him out as well and go north (while staying on the east side). You’ll see a tree where the 2 paths connect. Behind this tree is another scout so take him out as well.
Make sure to grab the Snake camo near the last scout (left picture). There’s a POW to the left side of the area (right picture).
Before proceeding north remember to grab the Snake camo and FRS the POW on the left side of the area. A scene triggers as you enter this last area and the mission will end. You’ll be able to develop Ballistic Shield after the fight.
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