The luscious mountainside, Bherna Village
Bherna Village is the new village introduced in Generations so unsurprisingly, this is where you start out. There are quite a few important NPCs here who you can’t find in the other villages, plus Bherna Village connects to the very relevant Palico Ranch .
Like all other villages, Bherna Village is home to a kitchen, the smithy, a market and armory, a home for you to access equipment and save in, and other necessities.
Master of Style
The Master of Style is in Bherna Village by the Smithy. He’s a pretty cocky guy but at least he notices you and good thing too, because without him you wouldn’t be able to use Hunting Arts! Every now and then as you progress through the game (in both solo and multiplayer) he will want to talk with you, and that will allow you to unlock more powerful Hunting Arts. So be sure to talk to him every chance you get. You can also talk to him anytime to view details on all of your currently unlocked Arts.
Towards the center of the village is the Chief Researcher of the Wycademy. He will be important in getting you accustomed to the game and giving you your first few tasks. After that he is relegated to being a fairly unimportant NPC, except for one thing… He is the one responsible for filling out your Monster Book . It’s basically an in-game bestiary/encyclopedia on all the monsters in Generations . In previous installments you would buy books from the market. This time, as you progress, he will give you entries. Placate your inner completionist and stop by this guy regularly.
The Palico Ranch is the Palico hub of this game and naturally has a ton of important NPCs as well. They are discussed in further detail in the section “Your Palico Companions”. But here is a rundown of who is who for your reference:
NPC | Importance |
Ranch Paw | Hands out Palico Tickets on a regular basis |
Meowstress | Scout for Palicos, and then pay zenny to hire them |
Neko (means “Cat”) | Use the farms to multiply items, use resource points to purchase items |
d’Artanyan | Manages the Meownster Hunter minigame |
Aside from these mentioned, many NPCs from previous Monster Hunter games will appear. Unlike people like the Master of Style, they won’t be helping you unlock anything or get anything particularly prestigous, but they will supply you with a fulfilling amount of village requests! So be sure to talk to them whenever possible for a chance to earn more quests to do, and by extension, more rewards.
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