If you want to get the Collector achievement in One Piece Odyssey you are going to need to find 99 of the Yaya Cubes that are scattered throughout the world. Without the right help and assitance from your friends here at Gamer Guides, that means you will have to do an awful lot of trawling the maps for yourself. Fortunately we have already done that for you so, with this page, and our amazing Interactive Map, you should easily be able to add the Tower of Law’s Yaya Cubes to your growing collection.
Where Do You Find Yaya Cubes?¶
While we don’t know what they do or what purpose they serve, we do know that Yaya Cubes are only ever found in breakable objects in One Piece Odyssey’s world. You won’t find them in a chest or hidden on a shiny spot in the ground. So concentrate your hunt on looking for jars, vases, barrels and the like to maximize your chances of success.
Yaya Cube Locations In Tower Of Law¶
The Tower of Law is not a huge location but it is split into three levels before you go still further into the Engine Room section. This section will focus on the three Yaya Cubes located within the Tower of Law, the Underground Prison and the Underground Storeroom.
Tower of Law Yaya Cube #1¶
When we start out on this level the first thing worth noting is that there are a larger number of enemies than normal just walking around, so getting about can be more time consuming due to the number of fights you may accidentally find yourself getting into.
The first level can be a bit of a pain to clear because of the number of lurking enemies.
There are also three flamethrowers that need deactivating in order to progress and each comes with a mini-boss fight against Marines - an enemy you have not yet encountered. These battles are comfortably winnable but they are not quick to get over and done with.
The first of the two Yaya Cubes on this level is tucked right alongside on of the flamethrowers on the Eastern side of the map. To get at it you will need to approach the weapon from the rear and win the battle against its occupant. Once this is complete you should find it tucked against the wall. You can use the map if you are struggling to find it.
Tower of Law Yaya Cube #2¶
The second Yaya Cube on this level of the Tower is thankfully close by. In fact if you turn around from the cube above it is almost directly East of you alongside the curved wall in a container.
The second cube is thankfully near the first, so if you have killed a lot of bad guys it will be easy to grab.
This area will have bag guys patrolling so it is up to you whether you want to take them all out first to give you an easier time of things, or whether you want to skip the fights by simply trying to avoid them all. This is not always possible, and it may be you just end up taking them out and grabbing the experience instead.
Tower of Law Yaya Cube #3¶
We went room by room through the entire Underground Prison without locating a single Yaya Cube which surprised us so much we are going to have a second foray to make sure we didn’t miss one. The third cube we did locate however was further below in the Underground Storeroom.
Head to the Storeroom to snare the third cube, as you head down the stairs it should be right in front of you.
It’s easy to find as it is located at the bottom of the stairs as you head down in a barrel directly opposite you. Make sure you scoop it up into your collection.
If we locate any further Yaya Cubes on this level will will continue to update the page.
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