We recommend exploring this area as part of the Swamp Witch’s Hut area. To reach it from the Kobold Trail follow these directions:
- Northwest
- Southwest
- Southeast
- South
(1 of 2) Succeed at a hidden Wisdom check and you’ll be able to gain some XP from this encounter.
Succeed at a hidden Wisdom check and you’ll be able to gain some XP from this encounter. (left), Search the nearby forest for a Token of the Dryad. (right)
When you arrive at the Kobold Camp, you may be surprised by the friendly - or at least, non-hostile - reception you get. Led by an elderly Kobold, they’ll express as best they can that they are looking for their king, Tartuk, and that they want to be friends. So long as you don’t pick the [Chaotic Evil] option (shaking the kobold’s hand or not doesn’t matter) you’ll eventually get a chance to pass a [Wisdom 15] check. if you fail this check one of your allies (Octavia, for example) may be able to help you out, otherwise you’ll have no option but to end the conversation, peacefully or not.
Assuming you pass this Wisdom check (or have the kobold’s words explained to you), you’ll be presented with numerous moral choices. Picking the [Neutral Good] option will only scare the Kobolds before leading back to the dialogue list, whereas both [Neutral] options, the [Chaotic Good] option and the [Chaotic Neutral] option all lead to the Kobolds leaving but at least you get an experience reward out of it.
Reward: For parting with the kobolds on good terms |
240 XP |
After the kobolds are gone, you might as well loot their camp. A crate and a cask in the camp clearing will yield a Rope some Camping Supplies and Ration, a scroll and some food, while a hidden chest to the northwest [Perception 20] contains a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds. Aside from some herbs, the last bit of interesting loot in this area is a Token of the Dryad, which can be found in a stump along the southwestern corner of the map.
Anywho, loot what you care to, then leave.
Might be worth noting that, should you choose to attack them (chaotic evil choice), only 3 melee kobold will attack you and the rest will flee. Also, if you manage to kill the elder kobold, he drops a belt of incredible dexterity +2.
You can search the camp for a few odds and ends. You can find a token of the dryad in a stump in the south west corner.
Strange... had the media for that Token of the Dryad, but not the text. Anyways, fixed now. Thanks!