This page offers a guide on Request 63: Fancy, Fashionable Wormadam in Pokémon Legends: ARCEUS (PLA).
Request 63: Fancy, Fashionable Wormadam.
This quest is picked up from Anthe, who’s found outside the clothing shop in Jubilife Village. After completing Anthe’s previous requests, Request 24 and Request 45, you’ll be able to pick up this request from her. This time, she’ll ask you to show her a Wormadam.
Where to Find a Wormadam¶
There are two forms of Wormadam (Sandy and Trash cloak) and it doesn’t matter which you catch. Wormadam is the evolution of Burmy and if you’ve thrown a Pokemon at any shaking trees, you’ll likely have encountered a Burmy already. Shaking trees are pretty random but they happen frequently enough that you’ll have no problem finding a burmy. They evolve at a pretty low level, so if you put a burmy in your party at this stage in the game (you have to be a reasonably high level to be at this stage in the game), you’ll level him up super quickly from just engaging your Pokémon in battles - you don’t even have to use the burmy.
Wormadams can be found in the shaking trees!
You can also occasionally find Wormadams in trees, though they’re a lot less frequently found compared to Burmys. We found one in a tree east of Lake Verity in Obsidian Fieldlands. There is also the potential for one to spawn in a tree near Castaway Shore in Cobalt Coastlands.
Whatever way you choose to obtain a Wormadam, once you have one show it to Anthe at her shop. Upon completing this request you’ll unlock even more clothing options from her shop!
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