(1 of 2) “VLFS” is a real acronym by the way.
“VLFS” is a real acronym by the way. (left), (right)
This high-tech facility, belonging to the Aether Foundation, is built atop an artificial island and constitutes the fifth island of Alola. You’ll first arrive at the docks, where Faba hastily hands you over to his underling, Wicke. Next, you’ll be taken to the entrance area to have a very brief look, before being dropped off at the conservation area.
Once you regain control, inspect the controls along the top of the elevator shaft. Select “1F: Entrance” to go back to the previous floor. Here, stroll north and speak to the employee standing to the right of the exit to receive a Stick, which increases critical hit ratio if held by Farfetch’d. This wacky bird can’t be found in Alola, so you’ll need to trade for it.
Trying to exit via the north–or the south for that matter–is impossible right now. Instead, return to the elevator and select “B1F: Docks” as your next destination. Back at the docks, head north-east from the elevator, towards the worker standing between two groups of large crates. Above him, there’s a gap between the crates that you can go past.
Past the gap, grab the Rare Candy in the far corner. That’s everything you can do right now. You’re free to explore the rest of the docks, although the area towards the west is off-limits. If you’re really curious, you can travel to B2F, but you won’t be able to go very far. As soon as you’re ready, use the elevator to return to the conservation area on 2F.
From the elevator, head west, then follow the walkway towards the south-west corner. In this corner, there’s a Starmie you can play with. Next, head all the way north towards the north-west corner. Hang on, this place looks awfully familiar… Finally, proceed east after reaching the corner. Soon you’ll find the president.
Just as you’re getting to know each other, the area will suddenly shake. Afterwards, a mysterious creature emerges towards the east. Approach the creature to battle it.
Unidentified Creature¶
(1 of 2)
Pokémon | Level | Type |
??? | 27 | Rock/Poison |
This jellyfish-like creature doesn’t look like any normal Pokémon, but that doesn’t matter right now. At the start of battle, it will be surrounded by an aura, just like a Totem Pokémon, boosting its Defense by two stages. Although it’s hard to tell, it’s a Rock and Poison-type, so it takes heavy damage from Ground moves.
Otherwise, Water, Psychic and Steel moves are the way to go. Stat-wise, it has shockingly high Special stats, but has the Defense of a wet paper bag. For moves, it can use Venoshock for STAB damage and Psywave to deal damage somewhat proportional to its Level. If you can’t defeat it for some reason, it flees after a few turns.
After that hair-raising encounter, you’ll be kindly escorted to the next island. To remember your time here, Wicke will give you TM29 Psychic before departing. This is a powerful attack move for, you guessed it, Psychic-types. Although some other wannabe psychics might be able to learn it (they won’t gain STAB, but it’s nice for coverage).
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