Near the end of Chapter 3 in Resident Evil 4 Remake, when you’re adding fuel to the boat you may have come across a stone pedestal which require Hexagonal pieces. Although you can’t finish this puzzle at that stage of the game, you can finish it in the following chapter. Read below to find out where to find the additional hexagonal pieces, and how to complete the Hexagon Puzzle in Chapter 4.
Where to Find the Hexagonal Pieces¶
The first two pieces can be found during Chapter 3 with the last in Chapter 4. If you didn’t get them during Chapter 3, you can get them in Chapter 4, so don’t worry if you missed them.
Hexagonal Piece A Location¶
The first piece can be found in a Treasure Chest opposite of the Merchant where the Shooting Gallery is. This area is called the Merchant Post, and can be found near the Quarry. The quickest way to get there is to head to where the Stone Pedestal for the Hexagon Pieces is, and climb the ladders to the left of it.
(1 of 2) Head to the Merchant Post which is near the Stone Pedestal.
Head to the Merchant Post which is near the Stone Pedestal. (left), and open up the chest opposite the merchant to find Hexagon Piece A. (right)
Hexagonal Piece B Location¶
This can be found in the Fish Farm area. Make your way to the northern part of the area while defeating the hordes of enemies. Climb on the wooden walkway, and follow it west, and drop into the water next to the explosive. Immediately turn around, and go under the walkway where you will find a red Treasure Chest containing Hexagon Piece B. While you’re there, you can find a Blue Medallion to the right of the chest.
(1 of 2) Now head to the Fish Farm area, and make your way north.
Now head to the Fish Farm area, and make your way north. (left), Hexagon Piece B will be in a Treasure Chest in the water. You’ll need to go under the nearby walkway to get to it. (right)
Hexagonal Piece C Location¶
The final piece of the puzzle can only be found during Chapter 4 after you access to the boat. Progress the story until you have to “Investigate the two locations”. Head to the Small Cave Shrine in the northeast of the lake. Now, you’ll need to unlock the door via the stone dais puzzle next to it which you can find out the answer here. Inside the room is a ladder, and next to the ladder is a small jewelry box that contains Hexagonal Piece C.
(1 of 2) Head to the Small Cave Shrine in the northeast, and complete the Church Key Puzzle.
Head to the Small Cave Shrine in the northeast, and complete the Church Key Puzzle. (left), Inside the room will be a jewelry box next to the ladder which contains the Hexagon Piece C. (right)
Completing the Hexagonal Stone Pedestal Puzzle¶
Go to the Stone Pedestal near the Merchant Post/Quarry, and place all three pieces into the pedestal. Now, you can complete the puzzle.
Sorry for the scare, but believe me, you will be glad you saved it if you messed up. On to the solution of the puzzle. There are three pieces that you can rotate, top, left, and right. If you’re playing on the Assisted or Standard difficulty, rotate the left piece first, then rotate the top piece after. That’s it, just two turns, but if you didn’t know that, it can take a long while to get back to that stage of the puzzle. Now, if you’re playing on the Hardcore or Professional difficulty, this changes. Rotate the right piece twice, the left piece twice, and finally the top piece once.
(1 of 2) Head back to the Stone Pedestal to complete the puzzle.
Head back to the Stone Pedestal to complete the puzzle. (left), After you’ve completed the puzzle, collect the Depraved Idol. (right)
Hexagon Stone Pedestal Puzzle Reward¶
Completing this puzzle will reward you with the Depraved Idol Treasure. This sells for a massive 15,000 ptas.
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