Skif, come in! Come in! Solder sold us out, you hear me? That…
What’s going on? I can’t… I can’t feel anyone! Where are they?…
To all Clear Sky personnel - we have been forced to leave the…
Got your scanner thing tweaked. You can turn anomalous fields…
I’m making this recording… so I won’t forget.My name is Vaska…
Petko Hare: Are you fuckin’ nuts, Stefko?! Get down, now! Forget…
Steward: Fuck!Strider: Do you need help?Steward: Nah, I got this.…
Seryoha Massandra: Eh, just my luck! Right after I finally talked…
Sanko Miller: Get a medkit ready, Beard. Some thugs jumped us.…
Tymur Movchanov: I’ll be at Zalissya later. Need to catch my…
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