Cydonia has a ton of quests for you to do, and there is even a quest chain dedicated to helping out the Deimos miners. Red Tape Runaround is the second quest in the three-quest series and lets you finally try out your new job under executive Peter. The guide below goes over how to get Peter’s shipment back and find Glen Hurst’s ship in the
Sol System.
You will need to deal with Governor Hurst to retrieve Peter’s shipment.
How to Start Red Tape Runaround¶
Red Tape Runaround is the second quest in the Red Tape Blues quest line. Now that you are officially an employee of Deimos, you can go meet your boss and get to work on helping the miners get better equipment. This quest can be as short or long as you want to make it depending on how deeply you want to get into the Cydonian lore.
What to Do With Governor Glen Hurst’s Ship¶
Now that you are the executive’s assistant, it’s time to meet your new boss. Head back up to Deimos’s Cydonian office to meet Peter, the most incompetent boss you have ever had. Peter won’t even bother to learn your name or realize that you are new, but he will immediately send you on a mission to find out why his personal delivery hasn’t come in. To find this out, you need to go to the governor’s office in Cydonia, as you’re told that Governor Hurst may know what happened to the shipment.
It’s a short walk to Hurst’s office and you will find him in the back of the room. Upon speaking with him, you will need to go through a bit of dialogue before he speaks with you about Peter. After learning that Peter owes the city money, the mayor will agree to give you the shipment if you hunt down and destroy his ship. Go back to your ship, and use the mission marker to locate Hurst’s ship. Fast travel to the location where it’s at and approach the ship, it will hail you saying that it’s out of service.
If you want to quickly finish the mission, just destroy the ship, it’s stuck in place and won’t take long. If you want to get more details on the story though, then agree to help the ship and dock. If you’re a part of the Crimson Fleet you will have a special dialogue making this quest easier. When you board the ship, you will learn that the ship is filled with Crimson Fleet members, once again you can just kill them all to speed things up. If you want to learn more, then you will need to barter with them. Even if your persuasion fails though, you can still give them a ship part and have a look around the ship for clues.
There is a dead body lower in the ship with a note on it, take it and speak with the head pirate, he will tell you that she had already killed herself when they found the ship. Head back to Mayor Hurst. You can either lie and tell him the ships destroyed if you decide to go on board or tell him you know about his secret. You can use this to blackmail him for credits. You also can choose to keep the evidence as it does tie into another Cydonian activity. Either way, once you’re done go back to Peter and give him his goods.
(1 of 7) You will find Peter in the back of the Deimos Cydonia office doing literally nothing.
You will now be able to access the computer and approve requests. As it turns out Peter is a horrible boss who doesn’t even check his emails. Inside of the computer, you can find out what happened to the former assistant, and approve several proposals. The only one that matters is giving the miners new gear, but if you want to be nice you can place more drinks in the break area and give everyone more vacation time. Once you’re done, head back down and speak with Trevor. The last part of the quest chain will now begin, Red Tape Reclamation.
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