This is a guide for the third area in Bills Town in The Last of Us: Part 1. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to dealing with the Graveyard Clickers and finding the Tool Level 1 Upgrade.
Joel and Bill look at the High School in the distance.
Trophy Collectables | Weapons and Ammo | Healing Items | Crafting/Item Upgrades |
Firefly Pendant x1 | Shotgun | Health Can | 20 Skill Pills |
Bombs Note | Bow | – | Blades x 8 |
Boy’s Diary | Shotgun Shells x6 | – | Binding x5 |
– | Nail Bomb | – | Rag x8 |
– | Wooden Stick x2 | – | Alcohol x4 |
– | Arrows x5 | – | Parts x5 |
– | Handgun Ammo x5 | – | Tool (level 1) |
Where To Find The Tool Level 1 Upgrade¶
Once you’ve arrived in the basement with Bill you’ll automatically obtain a Shotgun, Shotgun Shells x6, and a Nail Bomb. These Nail Bombs can be crafted with Blades and Explosives. Head over to the side of the room with a Workbench to find a Blade x1, Binding x1, Rag x1 and Alcohol x1, then go into the corner to the left of the workbench to find Parts x15 and Tool Level 1 Upgrade.
(1 of 2) Grab the Tool Upgrade Level 1 from the corner of the room
Grab the Tool Upgrade Level 1 from the corner of the room (left), and use it to craft the weapon holsters. (right)
After you’ve finished upgraded and collected everything, follow Bill upstairs and enter Bills Bedroom to find some Supplements x15 and Bombs Note. Climb through the window that Bill went through to reach the Graveyard.
How To Clear The Graveyard Clickers¶
Here you’ve got to deal with 5 Clickers, so make sure you’ve upgraded your melee weapon and have crafted a Shiv before entering. To begin, sneak up behind the one on the right and use the Shiv to take out, then sneak up to the second one and use your Melee attack on it. Head down the stairs and throw a bottle into the distance to distance the Clickers, then sneak up on the nearest one and melee it with an upgraded weapon.
(1 of 2) Use a brick to melee the first couple of Clickers down
Use a brick to melee the first couple of Clickers down (left), then wait for the Clickers to group up and use a Nail Bomb (right)
If you find that some of the Clickers are grouped up them you may want to throw a Nail Bomb at them to take them down or weaken them enough so one headshot would finish them off. However, whatever way you decide to take out these Clickers, make sure you constantly keep your distance to prevent them from grabbing you whilst you’re reloading.
Where To Find The Firefly Pendant - Peter Mrozik - 263¶
After the Clickers have been dealt with take a look at back left corner to find some Supplements x5, then Wait for Bill to open the gate and proceed out onto the Street. Here you’ll want to sneak up on the Runner up ahead and strangle it, then Bill will deal with the second one.
(1 of 2) Sneak up and strangle one of the Runners
Sneak up and strangle one of the Runners (left), then enter the building and look in the bathroom for a Firefly Pendant. (right)
Head down the alley on the left and strangle another Runner, then go into the garden of the house on the right and distract the Clicker with a bottle before killing it with a melee or headshot. Enter the building and you’ll find Parts x10 and Blade x1 in the garage, then look in the bathroom to find the Firefly Pendant - Peter Mrozik -263.
Where To Find The Graveyard Optional Conversation¶
Go back outside and head through the hole in the fence, deal with the Clicker via a headshot or Shiv, then melee down the Runners before going over to the barbecue in the distance to find a Health Can. From here, walk down the hill and search the garage on the right to find Arrows x3 and Parts x13. Return to the street and enter the building near the truck, then Ellie will go through the doggy door and unlock the door for you and Bill.
Here you’ll find a total of four Clickers, but thankfully you’ll only need to deal with two at a time, as two are in the building. In order to deal with these simply keep your distance to aim for headshots with the Bow, then do the same inside. After the Clickers have been dealt with explore the house to find a Rag x1, Binding x3, and Parts x5.
(1 of 3) Take out the Clickers with the Bow and continue to the next building
Once you’re done gathering go back outside climb the camper, then drop down from the hut and check the corner to the left of this yard to find Supplements x5. Proceed into the house and look in the hallway to find a Shiv x1, Alcohol x1 Handgun Ammo x5, then go upstairs and look in the closet for Parts x5 and a Rag x1. In the remaining two rooms you can the Boys Diary and some Supplements x5.
Speak with Ellie will in that to engage in a optional conversation, then search the garage for Arrows x2 before helping Bill open the door and bringing this portion of Bills Town to a close.
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