Walkthrough for the request “Lost Wedding Ring” in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.
To start this request you’ll need to head to the CPD building and talk to Vice Commissioner Pierre.
How to Start Lost Wedding Ring¶
Lost Wedding Ring is a secret request in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, which you can pick up on Chapter 2 Day 2. After clearing Geofront - B Sector, make your way to the Administrative District, enter the CPD building, exit the lobby to the west and continue past the vending machines and the stairs. Enter the first door to the north and talk to Vice Commissioner Pierre, who will spew some venom before realizing that the dedicated fetch-questers in the SSS are exactly what he needs.
(1 of 2) Talk to Pierre and you’ll obtain Pierre’s Handkerchief,
Talk to Pierre and you’ll obtain Pierre’s Handkerchief, (left), which you can provide to Zeit, who can then track the soused cop’s scent. (right)
How to Complete Lost Wedding Ring¶
Our fox-faced petty antagonist went on a bit of a bender last night and lost his wedding ring, and he’s wisely afraid of his wife’s reprisal should she find out. Fortunately our client was so soused that he’s wallowing in a distinctive stench of alcohol and desperation, and we’ll obtain Pierre’s Handkerchief, a tool we can use to track the chief’s scent trail.
Make your way to SSS HQ and talk to Zeit who will reluctantly agree to help us on this shameful errand. After talking to Zeit, talk to the wolf again and confirm you’re willing to get started, whereupon you’ll automatically travel to the Entertainment District and split up, leaving you with only Lloyd, Tio and Zeit.
(1 of 4) If you get off-track, Zeit will let you know.
Now you’ve got to retrace Pierre’s footsteps, and if you get off track, Zeit will let you know. Follow these instructions to emulate Pierre’s drunken meandering:
From the entrance to the Barca Casino, make your way east across the Entertainment District and enter the Hotel Millennium via the entrance nearer the Arc en Ciel building.
Once inside the Hotel Millennium, head upstairs.
Cross the upper floor by heading south, and go downstairs.
Once in the southern downstairs lobby, exit the building via the door to the west.
At this point you’ll end up in a conversation with Tio, who will interpret Zeit for us. Exit the Entertainment District to the southeast to reach the Back Alley.
Enter Imelda’s Antique Shop to trigger a scene.
Leave Imelda’s Antique Shop and make your way northwest to Garante Jazz Bar.
Talk to the bartender (Eric).
Talk to Sandra, the redhead sitting at the bar. After some chatter she’ll give you the Carnelia Wedding Ring.
With Pierre’s “misplaced” wedding ring in hand you’ll automatically travel to the CPD building and return the lost jewelry. Afterwards you’ll find yourself downstairs, your job here finished.
Request Rewards¶
Items | Mira | DP |
– | 1000 | 5 |
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