Evil Spirit Greaves Legs
In-game Description
Some believe these greaves are inspirited by a malevolent entity. They’re a rather rare find.
You can get this piece of armor by completing The North Lomei Prophecy side quest. This entails going to the North Lomei Labyrinth in the Hebra region and completing it. This will force you to go to the sky version of the labyrinth and after finishing that, you will go to the Depths version. The side quest culminates in a boss fight with a
Flux Construct III and upon defeating that, you will be able to get the Evil Spirit Greaves.
This armor cannot be upgraded. Wearing the full set gives you the Disguise and Bone Weapon Proficiency. The Disguise buff makes it so Stal enemies won’t attack you, while the latter buff allows bone weapons to deal more damage.
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