This page offers a guide on how to complete The North West Hebra Cave Shrine Quest for Rutafu-um Shrine in the Hebra Region in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK). On this page, you’ll find information on where to find the shrine quest and how to solve the crystal puzzle.
To unlock Rutafu-Um Shrine, you’ll need to complete Northwest Hebra Cave Crystal Shrine Quest first.
Where to Find Hebra Mountains Northwest Cave¶
Before you can begin this shrine quest to unlock Rutafu-Um Shrine, you’ll need to first find Northwest Hebra Cave (Map Marker). You’ll need to do some hiking in the northwest Hebra Mountains region. If you’ve been to Selmie’s Spot before you should see this on the map, and you just need to walk a tiny bit further northwest from there to find the entrance to the
Hebra Mountains Northwest Cave.
!Hebra Mountains Northwest Cave is found nearby !Selmie’s Spot.
Before you can deal with the shrine quest, you’ll want to get rid of the Bokoblins roaming around the cave first. Near the back of the cave you’ll find the shrine’s pedastal. Interact with it to begin the shrine quest. Like all shrine quests, you’ll need to locate the crystal and bring it to the shrine to unlock it.
How to Complete The Northwest Hebra Cave Crystal Shrine Quest¶
The Shrine’s crystal is found at the bottom of the small lake in the main room of the cave. You can’t reach the crystal from the water bank, but at the same time you can’t swim in the water because 1) it’s freezing and you’ll lose HP very quickly and 2) you can’t use Ultrahand when submersed in water. You need to make some sort of bridge to reach the crystal.
You’ll notice an ice block on the right side of the pond. You need to melt this using a source of fire - fire fruit fused weapons/arrows are a good solution. Once the ice is melted, look the chest for x3 three Wing Zonai Devices, which will be useful to solve the puzzle.
(1 of 3) Melt this ice block to reveal the chest containing !Wing zonai devices.
You can use the wings to create a bridge of sorts so you can get a little closer to the Crystal to pick it up. After creating the bridge, walk along it without touching or falling into the water, going only so far as you need to be able to use Ultrahand to pick up the crystal. You can then carefully bring it to shore and drop it down before taking it to the shrine.
If you want to see how we built our bridge to the crystal, see the video below!
Rutafu-um Shrine Rewards¶
Once you’ve picked the crystal out of the water take it over to the shrine’s pedestal to activate the shrine. You can now enter Rutafu-um Shrine to claim your reward. This is a Rauru’s Blessing Shrine and instead of having to solve puzzles, all you need to do is claim your reward from the chest (x1 Topaz, in this case) and your Blessing of Light.
Rutafu-Um is a !Rauru’s Blessing Shrine.
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