Fugas Secondary Characters
Journal Description
The devil Fugas held a position of great prestige and responsibility during the
Crones’ sabbath - that of goon restricting access to the peak. He in no way resembled Torque, the irritating but harmless “deovel” Geralt and I had encountered many, many years prior.
In size, Fugas resembled a somewhat overgrown troll, and he likewise displayed a troll’s lack of subtlety. There was not a jot of mischievous puck or cunning verbal trickster about this “devil.” Instead, he did his job with the commitment and professionalism of a Novigrad bouncer.
Trying to stop Geralt, though, turned out to be Fugas’ dumbest and last idea, ending both his life and his flourishing career in the Crones’ employ.
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