Being a common street criminal requires one to engage in all manner of morally dubious behavior - stealing, lying, spying, assault and even murder. One would be foolish to expect anything honorable out of such a creature. Paradoxically, as you climb the ladder in the criminal world morality becomes just a touch greyer - sure, you’re still involved in all the same illicit behaviors as before, just from a managerial perspective, and this demands a level of trust between your subordinates and outsiders you need to contract with. Say a mutant swordsman enters your orbit and works towards a mutually beneficial goal - to stay on his good side and ensure the possibility of future collaboration, you’ll have to maintain a level of fair play that runs contrary to the very fundamentals of your profession. This page will provide a walkthrough for the secondary quest Honor Among Thieves in The Witcher 3.
Quest Objectives¶
Starting Honor Among Thieves¶
This quest is an offshoot of the much larger main quest Get Junior. During the aforementioned quest you’ll be tasked with search for Whoreson Junior in three places: his hideout, his casino and his arena and another orbiting secondary quest Gangs of Novigrad will give you the objective to raid the casino or arena accompanied by a gang of henchdwarves, if you prefer direct violence over subterfuge and ultimately deferred violence.
To start this quest you’ll need to set your sights on Whoreson Junior’s casino during Get Junior and Gangs of Novigrad, and it ultimately doesn’t matter how you get inside the casino; talk to the henchdwarves and raid the casino or bribe or
Axii the Bouncers outside, then win two games of Gwent on the second floor, which ultimately ends in a fight. Either way, you’ll need to clear the casino, and on the third floor you’ll find a bound and beaten halfling named Rico. He’ll divulge some sensitive intel about Whoreson Junior’s allegiance before asking you to free him. Pick the dialog option “Run.” and you’ll let the little spy go, but before he leaves he’ll promise you a reward from the King of Beggars. This starts Honor Among Thieves.
(1 of 2) Clear out Whoreson Junior’s casino, with or without Cleaver’s henchdwarves,
Clear out Whoreson Junior’s casino, with or without Cleaver’s henchdwarves, (left), and free a halfling named Rico, who will promise a reward from his employer. (right)
Collect a Reward from the King of Beggars¶
As soon as you free Rico you can go and collect this promised reward, but it’s not going to expire. When you’re ready, head to the Putrid Grove - the same area along the eastern half of Novigrad’s southernmost island you visited during Pyres of Novigrad. If the door is closed, just knock on it and and the gatekeeper will let you in, then find the King of Beggars in his customary abode along the eastern edge of the Putrid Grove. Talk to him and tell him that you “Saved one of your men.” and he’ll cough up the reward, the silver sword Eirlithrad and a suit of Freya’s Warriors’ Armor. You’ll also get 100 EXP an finish the quest - not a bad reward for so little work.
(1 of 2) Visit the King of Beggars in the Putrid Grove,
Visit the King of Beggars in the Putrid Grove, (left), and he’ll make good on Rico’s promise, giving you a silver sword and a suit of armor. (right)
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