There are plenty of collectibles in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, spread out through the various areas you will explore. Scrolls are similar to the ECHO Recordings found in the older Borderlands games, as they offer some kind of insight to the game’s world. This page will detail the Scrolls found in the Wargtooth Shallows area.
Scroll - Pirate Words¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Wargtooth Shallows
Head to this location of Wargtooth Shallows (left), to find the Pirate Words Scroll sitting near a cave. (right)
Go to the Recent Beach Fast Travel and head northeast until you see a cave. Here you’ll find the Pirate Words Scroll on a box to the right of it.
Scroll - My Saltwater Heart¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Wargtooth Shallows
Head to this location of Wargtooth Shallows (left), to find the My Saltwater Heart Scroll sitting near some coral. (right)
Go to the Dumpstat Trench Fast Travel, then follow the path around to the west until you see a cave you can sprint through to reach Plunder Port. Here you’ll want to head to the left of the nearby coral to find the My Saltwater Heart Scroll sitting on a box.
Scroll - The War Of The Claw¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Wargtooth Shallows
Head to this location of Wargtooth Shallows (left), to find The War Of The Claw Scroll sitting next to a waterfall. (right)
Head back to the Dumpstat Trench Fast Travel and walk east whilst hugging the wall on the right, then eventually you’ll reach a waterfall where the The War Of The Claw Scroll is sitting beside it.
Scroll - The Curse¶
(1 of 3) Head to this location of Wargtooth Shallows
Go to the Dumpstat Trench Fast Travel again and follow the path along to the east until you reach several pieces of a shipwreck, then use the nearby cannon to break open a wall on the right and follow the path around. Use the jump pad to reach the upper platformer, then drop down to the shipwreck connected to the wall and use the cannon to break open a nearby wall which leads to a cave . Finally, enter the cave to find The Curse Scroll sitting on a box.
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