The story begins with Chloe visiting a small shop in an Indian marketplace. It’s mostly just a cover, though – there are soldiers everywhere, and Chloe has somewhere to be.
The shop is being run by a little girl called Meenu; her father left it in her care after he volunteered to join the Indian army. After Meenu shows Chloe that she knows her history, it’s time for Chloe to leave, and the little girl wants to guide you.
(1 of 2) The story begins in an Indian marketplace
The story begins in an Indian marketplace (left), Follow Meenu to your next objective (right)
Now you have control of Chloe, so follow Meenu through the marketplace by simply pushing forward on the left analogue stick. From the shop door go right, and head down the small set of steps. Go straight to the pottery stall in front of you to grab your very first photo opportunity. This one isn’t exactly optional due to it being a part of the linear path for this chapter.
Afterward, step back from the stall and go left to push through some people. Meenu will rush past you, picking your pocket as she goes. When Chloe asks for her trinket back, you’ll be prompted with the triangle button to pick it up. Congratulations! Your first official treasure of the game.
(1 of 2) Your first photo opportunity at a pottery stall
Your first photo opportunity at a pottery stall (left), Take your first treasure (back) from Meenu (right)
Keep moving forward and take some more steps down to the right. Follow the stalls around to the open gateway between two stone pillars to activate a cutscene. When the cutscene has finished, Meenu will distract the soldiers so Chloe can sneak into the back of one of their trucks.
And that brings us to the end of the prologue.
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