Not all actions are useful however; “checking” this MaiMai does nothing.
Even without any equipment, Link can do a variety of actions with the A button, i.e. the “Action” button. If Link can perform an action, a prompt will appear in the bottom-right corner of the top screen.Image of gameplay?
For instance, at the start of the game, Link will be asked to investigate a weather vane; when Link goes up to the weather vane, “Touch (A)” will appear in the bottom-right corner. Press A at this moment to touch the weather vane and check it out.
In the same way, Link can speak to civilians, read signposts and–rather importantly–open treasure chests. When travelling the lands, keep your eyes peeled for action prompts!
During your dungeon expeditions, the Action button will come in very important for solving puzzles and advancing through the dungeon.
If you spot any suspicious features in the dungeon, check that it’s safe, then see if the Action button can do anything. Maybe you can press A to pull a switch and open a door?
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