There is a total of twelve Enigmas in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage. All of these can be found in various parts of the map. Each one you find will give you a hint that leads you to a cosmetic item. Solve This Problem Quickly For Me is one of these Enigmas and can be tricky to spot. The guide below goes over where to find the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma and where its treasure is hidden.
The Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma can be found at the Officer’s Club.
How to Find the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma in AC Mirage¶
Solve This Problem Quickly For Me is the only Enigma that you will find in the Karkh area. Due to it being in such an out-of-the-way area, it’s easy to miss the Enigma as it only appeared for us after we got rather close to its location. In addition, the Enigma is in a restricted zone and a guard is standing watch right in front of it. To find it you will want to head to the Officer’s Club, which can be found on the eastern side of the Fief of Rayasanah.
(1 of 6) You will find the Can You Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma at the northeast corner of the Officer’s Club.
Once you get close to the building, the yellow marker for the Enigma will pop up. Follow it into the restricted zone. Make sure not to attract the attention of any guards. The Enigma is on a balcony at the northeast corner of the building, with a lookout guard watching the north side of the building. His back is turned away from the Enigma, but he will turn around if you don’t use stealth. Walk up and assassinate him just to be safe. Once it’s all clear, go over to the bench and grab the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma off of the seat. It will come with a letter giving you a hint as to where a treasure is hidden. This note can be found in your inventory, but honestly doesn’t give much information to help you find the treasure’s location. The section below goes over how to find the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me treasure.
Where to Find the Treasure for the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma¶
If you want the treasure for the Solve this Problem Quickly For Me Enigma, then you need to head south as if you are going to Jarjaraya. Use your mount to get there quickly as this is quite a walk from the Officer’s Club. You will need to stop about halfway there and take a look around the area shown on the map below. You can immediately tell if you are in the right area or not as it’s a town that has been burned down that sticks out against the desert landscape. There is no life around it as well, making it an easy location to reach.
(1 of 6) To find the Will You Solve This Problem For Me Quickly treasure begin head south to this area.
The treasure is next to the building with a broken silo sitting behind it. There will be a glowing spot on the ground so you shouldn’t be able to miss the treasure easily. Once you find the right spot, grab the treasure and you will unlock the Gold Hidden One dye. You can use this to switch the color of your clothes at any time from the menu. Once you have the dye, the Solve This Problem For Me treasure hunt will be complete.
Other Assassin’s Creed Mirage Guides¶
If you are looking for all the Enigmas then check out our helpful guides below.
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