Costumes are one of the many things you can equip to Basim in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. While one may think they are similar to Outfits, which function more like armor, the Costumes are purely cosmetic and just change Basim’s appearance. There are simply two costumes in the main game that you can get, both of which are part of the main storyline.
Costumes are just cosmetic and don’t really affect much, outside of the two story ones.
How to Unlock Both Costumes in Assassin’s Creed Mirage¶
As mentioned above, both of the costumes you unlock are done so during the course of the main story. While the costumes don’t actually change anything for Basim stats-wise, they are actually needed to progress during those main story investigations. They will allow you to slip by guards unnoticed, so you will have to wear them to complete the tasks given to you. The two costumes are named White Patient Robe and Eunuch Tunic.
The White Patient Robe is found during The Great Symposium, during your investigation into Al-Rabisu. During the course of this investigation, you head into some tunnels beneath the House of Wisdom. As you make your way through these tunnels, you will eventually find a note that mentions that robing is mandatory. The robe will be found right near this note, on a dead patient. The door will be locked, but you can squeeze under a wall from an adjacent room. After you get the costume, put it on via the inventory menu, then finish the rest of the mission.
(1 of 2) The White Patient Robe is gotten during your investigation into Al-Rabisu.
The White Patient Robe is gotten during your investigation into Al-Rabisu. (left), The Eunuch Tunic is gotten from a main mission towards the end of the main story. (right)
The other costume, the Eunuch Tunic, is found during The Servant and the Impostor. This one will come much later in the main story, quite close to the end. You will be tasked with entering the Harem but will need a disguise in order to get into it. This will prompt you to go after the Eunuch Tunic, located on the rooftops near the Harem. In fact, you can opt for one of two options here, both being the same. If you are having trouble finding them, use Enkidu’s scouting for a better location. Once you have the costume, play out the rest of the mission.
This should unlock the trophy/achievement, but they can be kind of delayed in actually popping up in your game. If this is the case, then you want to just keep playing until it finally does.
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