Leave the room and head south and defeat the enemies that emerge from the rooms. Loot the Footlockers in the rooms then continue down the hall to the next set of rooms. Unlock the eastern door and the ornate chest if your skill is high enough to do so. Back in the hall, open the southern door and defeat more guards. The mage mercenary drops an Artificer’s Canopy . Unlock the locked door if possible and defeat the Weapon Master. Loot the armor stand and weapon stand for Hard Line Coat and Masterwork Leather Piece . The Weapon Master holds The Spellward.
Run in to the mess hall and take care of business then open the northern door to the pantry and search the crate. Go south through the kitchen in to a closet to find a pile of sacks then return to the kitchen and exit at the east. Head to the farm area and meet up with Marjolaine. After the scene Leliana will awake in the dungeons.
Make sure to loot the mage for the Artificer’s Canopy. In the room with the Weapon Master is an Armor Stand with another piece of Masterwork Leather.
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