Check the Strange Crystal Cluster and chest then head down the ramp and open the door. Defeat the waves of Darkspawn and check the chest, barrel and charred corpse for anything useful. In the next room use Willhelm’s Special Brew to obtain that gift. Defeat the Darkspawn in the next area and kill the Genlock Emissary first. Check the Glowing Crystal and A Decades-Old Letter for Codex 236: A Decades-Old Letter .
Take down the magical barrier and speak with Matthias. Agree to find his daughter in exchange for the right code. In the hall are two Elfroots , a Deathroot and a Fractured Stone and the room will summon shades and a Dust Wraith. Loot it for the Harvest Festival Ring and a Remarkable Greenstone. The book is Codex 224: The Journal of Enchanter Willhelm and there is a chest in the corner. In the next area are two Strange Crystal Clusters ; head to the Containment Facility at the end of the path.
Talk to the people in the cellar to learn more. Move the tiles to get the wave of light across to the other side.
Persuade “Kitty” that you will help free it. Move the floor tiles so that the top-right tile is lit. Use the arrows to direct the fire then let Amalia run for it while you dispose of the Demon. Kitty drops the Helm of Honnleath and Cord of Shattered Dreams . Make your way back to Matthias defeating the Lesser Shades that spawn. With the correct code, head back to Shale. On your way out, head up the hill north and open Olaf’s Chest for Olaf’s Prized Cheese Knife.
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